Day 20 Fri January 20 2000db Law_of_Introduction_West_Week

Our days are a kaleidoscope.  Every instant a change takes place…  New harmonies, new contrasts, new combinations of every sort…  The most familiar people stand each moment in some new relation to each other, to their work, to surrounding objects.

Henry Ward Beecher

Daily Guidance:

Can the Wisdom Wheel help us face the fears we have about challenges, life changes and death? Yes, by increasing Awareness about what to expect and when, and the new combinations and new relations. The one thousand day Journey facilitates growth and development so change can take place in a wiser, safer context. By knowing where and how to move along the Wheel of Life, we avoid the paralysis and entropy of fear and doubt. The West side of the Wheel is about transformation and preparation for the predictable passages in life.

Cynthia's Journal:

The Wheel is a continuous reminder of the reoccurring opportunities to experience all things, all forms and all perspectives in our interdependent world. The unknown makes change more difficult. By studying the Wheel, you are increasing what's known about life in this world while decreasing the unknown. Use the Wheel to uncover the answers to simple or complex questions. Take the issue of change itself. If you could change one thing, where would you begin? How might that one change impact all other aspects of life?  

Your body? West quadrant.
Your mind? East quadrant.
Your heart? South quadrant.
Your spirit/energy? North quadrant.

Which part of you is most resistant?  What part is most resilient?  Some people have no trouble entertaining the idea of the Wheel (in their minds) for instance but they balk at taking the next steps.  Many will read ‘self help’ books, but stop short of actually doing some thing different.  What can we do to ensure that we change our physical behaviors after making mental changes in attitude?

The Wheel reminds us to look more closely at the whole individual and what's actually involved in the change Process. Take the emotional quadrant in the South for instance. For something to work, our heart has to be in it. Emotionally resilient people have fewer fears about the opinions of others for example. They will feel the sting of unkind words, but they get over them faster. This makes them more willing to take risks, and accept ridicule, blame or admiration with equal equinimity. 

The Wheel takes you on an inner Journey through the uncharted territory of the self. This can be as emotionally challenging and intellectually demanding as any outer Journey.  The one thousand days will take you beyond your current borders of beliefs and behaviors. Otherwise you gain nothing by taking this Journey. Why agree to go on a trip if it lacks adventure and excitement?  Braving difficulties helps us find out what our Self is made of. By conquering the sense of limitation, and making a Commitment like this, you will see much progress. 

The Wheel of Life will be turning anyway. You might as well travel deliberately. As you circle round it, you make your Choices. You can try to remain in a rut, at the same level of being, doing and comprehending - or seize the upward spiral. To evolve means to experience each rotation at a higher rung of existence; knowing more, loving more, being more.

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